
Form and Function - Cells

77 The Plasma Membrane 78 Proteins of the Plasma Membrane 79 Movement Across the Plasma Membrane 80 Active Transport and Pump Proteins 81 Membrane Fluidity 82 Cytosis and Membrane Fluidity 83 Gated Ion Channels 84 Exchange Transporters and Cotransporters 85 Cell-Adhesion Molecules and Junctions 86 Compartmentalization in Cells 87 New Techniques in Cellular Visualization 88 Adaptations in Mitochondria and Chloroplasts 89 The Nucleus and Endoplasmic Reticulum 90 Membranes and the Production of Proteins 91 Stem Cells and Cell Specialization 92 Comparing Human Cell Sizes 93 Constraints to Cell Size 94 Investigating the Effect of Cell Size 95 Cellular Adaptations to Increase Surface Area 96 Adaptations of Mammalian Cells 98 Gas Exchange Adaptations 99 Gas Exchange in Fish 100 Adaptations for Mammalian Gas Exchange 101 Lung Ventilation 102 Measuring Lung Volume 103 Oxygen Transport and Haemoglobin 104 Leaf Adaptations for Gas Exchange 105 Gas Exchange and Transpiration 106 Investgating Stomatal Density 107 Arteries 108 Veins 109 Capillaries 110 Measuring Changes in Pulse Rates 111 Coronary Occlusions 112 The Formation of Tissue Fluid 113 Single and Double Circulatory Systems 114 The Mammalian Heart and the Cardiac Cycle 115 Transport of Water Through a Plant 116 Xylem Tissue and Water Transport 117 Distribution of Plant Tissue 118 Uptake at the Root 119 Phloem Tissue 120 Movement 121 Movement 122 Swimming Adaptations in Marine Mammals 123 Exoskeletons and Endoskeletons 124 The Sliding Filament Theory 125 Skeletal Muscle Structure and Function 126 Antagonistic Muscles 127 Movement About Joints